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GEH50DEEDSC | GeoSpring™ hybrid water heater While they last! $795.00 
Saves the average household $365 every year* in water heating expenses - that's $3,650 savings over a 10-year period (*Based on DOE test procedures and comparison of 50-gallon standard electric tank water heaters using 4879 kWh per year vs. the GeoSpring hybrid water heater using 1830 kWh per year and national average electricity rate of 12 cents per kWh) - 62% more efficient than a standard electric 50-gallon water heater
- Electronic controls with 4 operating modes plus a vacation setting make it simple to select the temperature and optimal energy savings performance
- Utilizes heat pump technology to absorb the heat in ambient air and transfers it into water, making GeoSpring an efficient and environmentally friendly water heater
- Qualifies for state and local utility rebates and tax credits
- Designed for common indoor installation in areas such as: basement, garage, closet, utility room, attic, etc